smlm (14/4) aku pg interview utk degree (masscom-PR) kat UITM Alor Gajah, Melaka. Aku smpai kat Lendu dlm kul 8.20 a.m. Pastu aku trus g fakulti jmpe ngan kak tiha yg wat practikal kat situ. Smbil tggu Debet dtg, aku jmpe la ngn ms afrah n ms yuhanis. diaorg nk kuar g evaluate stdnt praktikal kat melaka n n9. kebetulan lak septtnye ms yuhanis dtg kat tmpt praktikal tp dh jmpe kat kampus dia x jd la dtg. dia g tmpat stdnt lain.. so aku pn cite la kat dia psl prblm kat tmpat aku praktikal ni sume.. nnt ms yuhanis just call boss aku kat cni.. pas borak2 ngan diaorg, Debet pn smpai... pas2 kteorg pn pg BA baru sbb test dia kat sne.. kak curl n ms ira dh tggu kat BA baru..
Dh smpai kat BA bru kteorg kna naik kat klas Y201 utk ujian bertulis.. dia kasi mse 30 minit je utk siapkan essay yg pnjgnye 250 pth prkataan.. essay kna tulis psl diri sndiri, knape kte pilih progrm 2 n our aspiration... time 2 tulisan aku cam ape tah sbb nk kejar mse.. afta 30 minit paper written test 2 kna antar.. pas dh antar written test 2 nyer paper kna la tggu kat luar b4 dia pnggil msuk blik interview..
kteorg tggu lme gak ar.. dlm 1 jam kot.. kteorg duk la dlm klas 2 lepak2 smbil gosip2.. heheh... smbil 2 dok ngingat kn psl current issues and menteri kabinet yg baru..
mule2 kak curl yg msuk dlu, then aku lak pas kak curl...
msuk2 je aku bg salam n bg fail aku kat panel interview 2.. ad 1 laki n 1 ppuan.. pas2 ni soalan yg ditnye kat aku:
1. tell me about yourself
- aku pn bgtau la psl diriku ini... aku nyer cite2.. tp ble aku ckp cite2 aku nk jd entrepeuneur dia leh ckp aku salah pilih course.. aku pn kna la jwb knpe aku pilih course ni..
2. what do you know about PR?
3. to be come a good Public Relation Officer what is the criteria that needed?
-jawapan aku good communication skill, hav a good personality.
4. what is the other criteria that needed beside that you said before?
- aku ckp la creative..
5. why do you said creative is important to PR officer?
6. give the example in the situation..
7. do you think that PR officer should know the current issues?
8. what is happening in Thailand right now?
9. who is US President?
10. Who is Barack Obama?
11. What is the first action that taken by Dato' Seri Najib when he become PM?
12. Last question, do you have any question?
- aku pn tnye la what is my potential to be in this programme and how do i have been evaluate?
2 je la serba sikit soalan interview yg aku ingt.. pas2 panel interview 2 siap tnye ni 1st time ke interview sbb aku nmpak nervous gle time 2..
pas dh abs interview 2, aku tggu parents aku kat fakulti.. borak2 ngan kak tiha jap.. pas2 jmpe la ngan pn zaini n borak2 jap..
2 je la serba sikit cite psl interview aku.. aku pn x tau la dpt ke tak msk masscom... aku brserah je la... aku pn x da la brharap sgt.. kalu dpt aku msk.. kalu x aku x da la kecewa sgt..
5 years ago
redha jek lar...
at least ko dah ade pengalaman kene interview... ^_^
salam ngetop ni aj ni.
weh,ko ambik masscom ke...
tak inform punn..huhuh.
anyway,semoga berjaya in persuing your dreams ya..
hu.. neway.. bak kata aj..
bkn ain sorang..
i tau dy nk amek mc.. sbb chat..
tp yg lain2 pn ramai xgtau korang amek corse pe sume..
hu.. xperla..
msg2 mgkn da pk ape hala tuju kte lpas dip kan..
hope to still together2..
last day dok..
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